WeRe aLWayS RiDing aRouND the CiTy uP-aND-DoWN
MIKE: Alright, so am going to explain a reoccurring dream that
I kept having I'd say once every 2 or 3 months. It takes place in downtown
San Francisco, ah, and Ojocion is there, aaaaaand another friend of
mine is there, and we're trying to find another friend
and it's
really cool. We have this like, 2 person scooter and we're always like
running around the city, going up and down the hills, going to different
warehouses and stuff.
Then the bike turns into a truck and starts climbing a mountain and
basically, that's the end of the dream right there. It's always been
the same place and space. It always starts in downtown SF, and we'll
get on a train or some kind of magic carpet, but the theme is always
the same.
Welp, that tells you that all blind people can have vivid dreams! Alright,
that's all.
