Class Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Professor: Casondra Sobieralski
Email: cmsobieralski@nmhu.edu
Website: http://www.pelefire.com/advancedmediaprojects2013
Office: Douglass Hall 239S
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 1:00 - 2:45; Tues 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Recommended: The Creative Entrepreneur: A DIY Visual Guidebook for Making Business Ideas Real by Lisa Sonora Beam http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Entrepreneur-Visual-Guidebook-Business/dp/1592534597
Class Goals
The goal of this class is for media arts students to put together their best work, resumes, personal statements, recommendations and all other ancillary materials needed for life after graduation.
Whether you will applying for jobs, graduate school, or starting your own company/freelancing, you need to have your materials finished and accessible when you need them.
This means:
- A portfolio (how many pieces and what form they take will be specific to your area of focus, most likely 5-8)
- A finished project that showcases your best skills
- A resume in .doc & .pdf format
- A website with your work in an accessible format (will vary depending on the media)
- 1-2 letters of recommendation (1 academic, 1 can be from another person who knows you/has supervised you)
- A personal statement about your education, skills and interests (500 words)
- A completed informational interview with someone working in your field of interest
- All BFA students graduating in May 2013 are required to install a show for the final show in May (details to be discussed). This is optional for BA students.
If you have no interest in pursuing your future in a media arts field, consider taking a substitution for this class, since we will be working in small groups and as a class towards the best possible outcomes.