about roger and ellen...






My dream is an old dream. It's from when I was about 12 years old, entering early adolescence. And in my dream I am in the water, Carribean water. The wate is warm, and there is surf off in the distance. The water is clear and it seems like I am treading. As I go just beneath the surface of the water I see a shark swimming off in the distance. Maybe a white tip shark; it has a little white splotch on its dorsal.

There is a shark net in the water, between me and the shark. So I begin to spin and pull the shark net around me, encircle my body.

Now the next part is ambiguous. I look down. I am not sure if the shark is hitting me, striking at me, or has me by the side of the chest, or if I am looking down on my body from my midthoracic down...but I'm looking at a shark that has come up and clamped. At this point I have a sense of falling, and I wake up, wrapped in my top sheet, on the floor!





(Ellen draws with her eyes closed so she can "feel" rather than "see.")


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