
Rules, etc.

Class Schedule


Assignment Inspiration (Links)



More Ideas?

Do you have favorite video artist pieces, film excerpts, or film titles that you think apply to our assignments?

If you want to share with your classmates, come see me. If we agree that they are appropriate, we can post them here, too, and credit you!

Thanks for your PARTICIPATION!

Please kindly submit suggestions in the format used on this page for quick posting.

Resource Links

(Per Assignment)

Items posted by me we will watch and discuss together in class. Items suggested by your classmates we will watch in class if there is time, or you can view outside of class.

Items posted are generally more related to your assignments CONCEPTUALLY, and do not necessarily adhere to the technical requirements of your assignments.


Class Intro:

Powerpoint of early video pioneers


Assignment 1: "Biological/Processes"

Posted by Prof:

(Biological/Processes) Bill Viola “Egg Hatch—I Do Not Know What It Is I Am Like”, 1996 (4’30” excerpt from 89’ video)

(Biological/Processes) SFMOMA Pipilotti Rist’s gallery tour of “Stir Heart, Rinse Heart”, 2004 (2’22” interview with excerpts)

(Biological/Processes) Mona Hatoum “Corps Étranger”, 1994 (installation excerpt 2’ 46”)

installation context: http://www.oberlin.edu/images/Art067/07-3336.JPG

(Biological/Processes) Bruce Nauman “Walking in an Exaggerated Manner”, 1967-1968 (9’ 59”) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qml505hxp_c

(Biological/Processes) Yoko Ono “Fly”, 1971 (5’30” excerpt)


Posted by Peers:



Assignment 2: "Montage/Meaning"

Posted by Prof:

The Original Kuleshov Experiment (17”)

Hitchcock Demonstrates Montage, 1964 (1’ 19”)

Kuleshov Effect, 2012 example (1’ 17”)

(The Psychology and Construction of Meaning via Framing and Composition)

CBS Version of “Toppling Saddam’s Statue”, 2003 (2’24”, watch first minute)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SneP29XbOw&feature=related (note cropping)

The Aljazeera perspective: (3’ 20” excerpt from the documentary film “Control Room”)

The Media Analysis: Peter Maass, in collaboration with ProPublica and The New Yorker -- “The Toppling: How the Media Created the Iconic Fall of Saddam's Statue”, 2010 (3’) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDu7bXqx8Ig&feature=related

Maya Deren "Ritual in Transfigured Time", 1946 (14' 27") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctFPrLtSWg8

Posted by Peers:



Assignment 3: "Witness" --Interview/Narrated Tour

Posted by Prof:

(Sounds and visual rhythm) Gary Hill “Meditations” 1986 (4’23”)

(Sounds and visual rhythm) Gary Hill “Primary”, 1978 (1’16”)

(Sounds and visual rhythm) Gary Hill “Wall Piece” 2000 (1’04”)

(Sounds and visual rhythm) Gary Hill discusses “Wall Piece in SFMOMA interview (2’ 37”)

(Sounds and visual rhythm) Pipilotti Rist ”Ever is Over All”, 1997 (installation excerpt 2’46”)
installation, smashing windows


(InterviewS) Stanislaw Mucha "Absolute Warhola", (film is 80 minutes, here is the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSV8UtKX6No)

Stephen Colbert with Robert Reich, Oct 11, 2010 (6’34)

Ali G with Buzz Aldrin (4’29”)

(Interview) Bill Clinton on Fox News, 2006 (7’ 17”)
–-note close-ups, cropping, and body language

(Interview) Toni Morrison: Classism in the Community, 2012 (2’13”)


Also see:

(Interview) My interviews from “Luxor-Qurna Diaries”

(Tour) Vancouver Tour videos—see Granville Island in particular


An interview (or memory) assignment option: Create content for Healthcare Heros Media


Posted by Peers:



Assignment 4: "Memory"

Posted by Prof:

(Memory) SFMOMA interview with Doris Salcedo on the Importance of Memory, 2011 (2’22”) [She is a sculptor rather than video artist, but conceptually she has interesting thoughts that pertain to your assignment.]

(Memory) Mona Hatoum “Measures of Distance”, 1988
full video version (~15’): http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x31gw4_measures-of-distance-mona-hatoum_creation

[part 1 (~ 7’): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMAU2SfkXD0
part 2: (~8’) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMAU2SfkXD0 ]

(Memory) Sharin Neshat “Summer”, 2011 (2’55”)
[How do think she edited this? What were some of the steps you can identify?]

(Memory) Bill Viola “Ocean without a Shore”, Venice Biennale 2007 (interview with installation excerpts 6’03”)

(Memory) Linda Montano "Mitchell's Death", 1977 (30" excerpt of 22' piece. do we have full version in NMHU library?) http://www.vdb.org/node/1639

Maya Deren –excerpt from “The Living Gods of Haiti” (from dvd)
Ritual as maintenance of cultural memory


Posted by Peers:



The Future of Video
(The Future is Now)


Lev Manovich & Andreas Kratky "Soft Cinema: Navigating the Database", 2002 (watch dvd in class)


Tiffany Schlain on global collaborative Cloud Filmmaking:

"Connected", 2012-- http://connectedthefilm.com/

TED talks-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhHTVti7LIM


"The Cloud Filmmaking Manifesto" (with samples of cloud collaborations)-- http://www.tribecafilm.com/tribecaonline/future-of-film/The-Cloud-Filmmaking-Manifesto.html#.UADjNBxbx5f

Let it Ripple: Mobile Films for Global Change-- http://letitripple.org/


Locative Cinema:

The Locative Cinema Commission is a joint project of ZER01: The Art and Technology Network, The Banff New Media Institute at The Banff Centre, and the New Frontier program at the Sundance Institute: http://www.banffcentre.ca/programs/program.aspx?id=923

"A Machine to See With", Banff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD26y4ncDe4

Escape from the Tower of London, HP: http://h20621.www2.hp.com/video-gallery/us/en/d2a8e282b700a97a913c763aa26645d7520f8c10/r/video


Survelliance Camera Cinema:



Display Systems at the Applied Laboratory of Immersive and Virtual Embodiment (A.L.I.V.E.) at City Univeristy of Hong Kong (run by new media pioneers Sarah Kenderdine and Jeffrey Shaw)

